Arduino car building
Arduino is an excellent platform to learn how to program and how to build with electronics. In this workshop, you'll learn how to work with motors and motor controller electronics, and how a computer can be used to drive them
assemble a motorized car and learn how to program the Arduino to make it move.
The preceding "Arduino Basics" workshop isn't required for this session, but it's recommended to get up to speed a bit faster.
In this workshop, you'll put together motorized cars and drive them around with an Arduino.
You'll learn how to work with motors and motor controller electronics, and how a computer
can be used to drive them.
This workshop is best for those with some background in Arduino.
You can take the Arduino class just before this one to learn the basics!
In this workshop you'll put together motorized cars and drive them around using an Arduino. In doing so, you'll learn how to work with motors and motor controller electronics, and how a computer
can be used to drive them.
This workshop is best for those with at least some background in Arduino. The Arduino workshop immediately before this one would be a great time to learn the basics!